Sunday, October 4, 2009

Nursery is finished!

Only 35 Days Left until D-Day!!! We have been very busy the past few weeks preparing for our little guy to arrive. After packing boxes at our old house for a few weekends we finally moved into a more spacious dwelling last week and have been "nesting" ever since! Of course the first day we were here was spent on our baby's nursery...I was so excited to set things up we dedicated the whole day to this. Beau will be an expert at assembling cribs and baby furniture by the end of this! The walls in our new place are all bright colors, and can be a bit "loud" but so far we've managed - the nursery was already a bright green and we decided just to leave it as-is. The fish theme goes well with the green I think. The animals are adjusting here too- we have a huge back yard and the kitties have already begun exploring the neighborhood. It's a nice neighborhood and I'm still enjoying walks with Mayzie in the mornings and have managed to get in 2 weight lifting/boot camp sessions each week. I go to Pilates twice a week too and this has kept my back feeling pretty good. After moving and organizing my hips and body were very sore for a few days but I actually feel pretty good this weekend. We are very happy in our new place and are finally settled in and really ready now for this little guy to get here! I have an appointment next week with the midwives, and then start seeing them weekly until the big day. I wonder if the next 5 weeks will go fast!?!?!?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

10 weeks and counting...

10 weeks and counting...10 weeks TOO LONG!

I've hit the "I'm antsy stage and want to see this baby...NOW" - Beau is also antsy and we bothjust want him to be here...of course not prematurely so we really don't want me going into labor right now, but still, we're being impatient and are just so anxious!! To make things worse the main thing I crave right now is to NEST and I can't really do much until we move into our new house...To help my nesting cravings, I have been folding and re-folding baby clothes and organizing them by months into these bins we picked up. The other day I put all the clothes we've been passed down or given onto the floor and folded them all over again. Yes, I know, I'm crazy. I just can't get this baby off my mind, I'm either thinking about him or googling some idea I have for the nursery or if I'm asleep then I'm usually dreaming about him. Can you say Obsessed!!!!
Anyways, my belly is getting bigger but for some reason the past four weeks I haven't gained any weight. Maybe I gained enough weight at the beginning to last me awhile. haha. I am starting to not be able to eat as much at once because my stomach is getting more squished but I still manage to get in my mint chocolate chip ice cream! I'd say that's my main craving, along with berries and yogurt and cereal. My back is still feeling pretty good and I'm still managing to exercise every morning by walking Mayzie for 30 minutes and then doing weights a few times a week. Pilates is getting more difficult but I'm still going to my classes. I think it'll help with labor and also not getting too uncomfortable if I keep my back strong. I wish it helped with not having to go to the bathroom every 20 minutes! I swear I stand up and even if I just went I have to pee again. GRRR!!
We've been going to baby classes and learning about the stages of labor and relaxation techniques. I swear these classes do more to scare me than teach me anything! Kidding...but really, the way I picture this whole experience is very scary...and I guess I need to keep in perspective this is NATURAL and I CAN do this. YIKES!

Ohio Baby Shower

Thank you all for making my Ohio Baby Shower such a wonderful day - we had a pond party at Aunt Lora and Uncle Wolf's house and partied all evening with a bon fire and BBQ. Aunt Emily and Anne created beautiful favors, decorations and one of my favorite additions - the "Diaper Cake"...I had never seen one of these before! What a creative idea! The cake Emily had made for us was adorable- and VERY TASTY!! and although we forgot to pass out the party favors, I will cherish mine forever - thank you Em!! Our friends are so generous and this little guy is one lucky baby - we received so many gifts and are all set to decorate the house we'll be moving into in about a month.Currently all the goodies are stashed in the crib and overflowing onto the dining room floor! My mother also passed down my favorite baby books, a blanket my Grandma Stewart knit, and so many other goodies for her grandson. This little guy is going to have the best grandparents and extended family anyone could ask for!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Seattle Baby Shower

So...Baby Mason has now flown to several states around the country ... Arizona, Virgina, California, Ohio, and of course now Washington!!! While visiting Beau's family in Seattle his mom and sister had a baby shower for us which was a wonderful time. We had tons of great food and their friends were so sweet to bring Baby Mason lots of goodies! His sister sewed a really soft baby blanket/stuffed animal lion and we also were passed down Beau's baby blanket from his trip home from the hospital. Liz also gave us some of his baby clothes and framed some pictures of when he wore them as a child. The gifts were priceless and memorable and make me teary eyed every time I look over them.

My parents stopped in Seattle on their way out to Oregon - we had a wonderful time with them and Liz and Larry made the BEST dinner of Salmon and Crab. Finally I was able to eat some "real fish" as Beau would say!
I find my "nesting" has picked up ... I love to just organize the baby stuff we've received and fold the little clothes. I guess you could say I'm obsessed but I think it's normal!!! Today we hit the third trimester mark- only 1/3 of the way left to go! I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has come along...

I don't have any crazy wierd cravings but I do love to eat watermelon and usually eat one watermelon each week. I also love peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches and of course ice cream. My
belly is just getting bigger and bigger but my back and body still feel pretty good. I can't always sleep at night because Baby Mason is tossing and turning so much but so far- pain free- so I can't complain! Mayzie and I still exercise in the mornings... I walk /run for about 25 minutes then I do a "boot camp" program I find on OnDemand. I'm up to about 24 pounds over my norm...maternity clothes are getting tight so thankfully since it's summer I can get away with skirts and dresses most of the time!

We head to Ohio in a few days for Baby Shower #2 - this may be our last "trip" to Ohio before the baby is born!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Fourth of July Fun!

We spent the fourth of July weekend in Ohio with friends and family. My parents had their annual "3rd of July" party and we had a blast. I actually stayed up past midnight three days in a row! "Little Junior" (it's what we call the baby) moved around like crazy, especially during the big loud booms from the fireworks. He was so active from the loud noises, it was great to feel him moving so much! We also went out on a boat ride with my parents friends and watched the Toledo fireworks from the river.

Lately I've been feeling better than the past. I have my tired spells but all-in-all my energy levels feel like they've leveled out more. My belly is still growing but I finally feel like my body isnt as chubby as it was at the beginning. I think it was preparing for
more weight from the baby! I'm up to 19 lbs at 23 weeks and I think that sounds about right. Today we bought a baby pool and Beau and I layed in there before the storm hit today. It will be nice
to relax on the weekends in the pool since this heat is getting unbearable.

I'm still not craving anything in particular. All I really ever want to eat is fruit and yogurt. I met with this group called "Nine Months and Beyond" and they offer classes as well as have Doula's you hire to be with you during your labor. I was skeptical at first of using a Doula but I think we're going to go that route. They come to your house when you first go into labor and have techniques to help with pain along with offer us education on the different options we have while at the hospital. I'm very excited to meet our Doula - I think it'll be nice to have a "mother figure" there since our parents live so far away.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Starting to Move Like Crazy!!!

Someone's definitely in there!!! A few weeks ago I thought I felt a slight movement every few days but wasn't sure if it was the baby in there or just my stomach growling...the past few days however he's been VERY busy in there and even Beau can feel him when he touches my stomach. He becomes really active after I eat a meal and also in the middle of the night I wake up to a moving belly! It's so exciting - this is by far one of the best parts of pregnancy. It's so awesome to be sitting in a meeting at work and get to feel him moving around - really makes my day!

My stomach has also taken on a new "shape"- I officially "popped" this week and my belly button will be the next thing to pop. It already feels strange and my stomach is all stretched out. I'm having trouble lying on my back for very long at Pilates class although sleeping has been a bit better lately.

Mayzie has been exceptionally strange lately. She sulks around until she can cuddle up next to me or ON my stomach. She loves to lay right accross my lap while I watch TV at night. Beau thinks she doesn't like him anymore (they were very close buddies before) but I'm sure she'll come around after he's born.
I flew to Columbus this weekend and we visited with Carly and had dinner with my parents. They brought the cutest Cleveland Indians onesies that I cannot wait to put on him! We had a wonderful visit and Baby and I held up okay after the flights. I was pretty tired from flying but not as bad as during my first trimester.

This weekend Emily, Jackson, Anne and my mom are coming to Nashville to visit. We're so excited - hopefully they'll be able to help me out with the registry. Registering was so tough - it is definetly a task you wouldn't want to handle alone! (Thanks Kim!)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Boy or Girl????

We just got done with our ultrasound and I am just beside myself!!! Beau and I are still in shock a bit from seeing the baby moving around and looking like a baby!!!
I have never felt this much joy before in my life. At first he was all curled up and hiding his little parts but after I got up and moved around a bit there they were!!! The profile shot is so adorable. It was amazing to see his spine and ribs and even his little stomach!
The heart beat was up to 157 a
nd he weighed in 9 ounces! The emails I get usually say at 18 weeks they are 6-7 ounces so as I was suspecting I'm a bit further along than they first predicted. We have the doctor appointment in two days to review the ultrasound but the tech said everything is developing perfectly!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Update on the past 18 weeks!!!

This is my first post - I want to document pregnancy along with when the baby arrives. I'm well into my second trimester already and I'm sure delivery day will come faster than I expect!

It's been quite the journey so far - The first trimester was not too bad. My baby bump seemed to show pretty quickly after the first two months. Poor Beau had to spend alot of time alone because I not only napped all the time I also went to bed by 8pm for a few weeks straight! I was luck to have no terrible sickness and found if I ate every two hours I never felt nauseous. Due to my frequent eating I gained about 10 lbs during the first trimester (the books all say to gain 2-5lbs so I was a step ahead!) I was worried I was gaining too fast but the past few weeks have slowed down and I feel like my "bump" has been about the same size now for 3 weeks.

The image above is at 10 weeks and the one at the left is 18 weeks! I'm now at about 14 pounds and feeling really good with my body. My emotions have been up and down but my energy seems to be better than the first trimester. I still have these spells at work where I just want to sleep sitting up at my desk.

I've continued to stay active throughout my pregnancy, working out 3-4 days a week at the gym, doing spinning class and taking Pilates 3 times a week too. It was tough to give up dancing but for now I've settled for my dancing shows on TV. Beau loves those- I think he wishes they were on every night (NOT!!!).

Tomorrow is our big day of seeing the 18 week ultrasound. The last ultrasound the baby was a size of a peanut and now we'll actually get to see a person in there! I havent been able to feel movement yet but I have a feeling that comes very soon! The poll from friends and family is we're having a boy...stay tuned for tomorrow and we shall see!

I always thought pregnancy was about cravings and eating wierd things but honestly I don't have any major cravings. I have aquired a liking for coconut when I never liked it in the past and of course I love ice cream as I always have, but other than that no wierd cravings. My ears also perk up to Dave Matthews, which I haven't listened to in years, and I guess maybe the baby likes Dave and Coconut!

Update tomorrow on HE OR SHE!!!!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

pregnancy calendar